Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My favorite dinner from last week and a GIVEAWAY!

Ok I HAD to share this dinner! It was so good and simple. You just FEEL healthy eating it ;-)

I found it on Pinterest, of course!

Detox Salad
slightly adapted from Oh She Glows

Makes 10 cups

-2 heads of broccoli (remove stems)
-1 head of cauliflower (remove stems)
-2.5 cups shredded carrots
-1/2 sunflower seeds
-1 cup dried cherries
-1/2 cup fresh chopped parsley
-1/2 cup raisins (I did a mix of regular and golden raisins because that is what I had on hand)
-1/2 bunch of kale
-4-6 tbsp fresh lemon juice to taste
-Himalayan salt and black pepper to taste
-Grade B pure maple syrup

-In a food processor process the broccoli, cauliflower, and kale until fine then add to a large bowl along with the shredded carrots. You probably have to do this in a few steps as all of these would not fit in my food processor at the same time.
-Stir in sunflower seeds, dried cherries, parsley, and raisins.
-Add lemon juice and seasonings to taste.
-Drizzle with maple syrup before serving.

I was very satisfied with just the salad! I put a grilled chicken breast on top of Dan's and he loved it. It was a little too much going on for Lee so he did not have any. Leftovers were great the next day and a couple days later too!

And now to the good stuff...

It's time for our first giveaway!

One winner will be chosen and receive a brand new copy of Turbo Fire, a $79 value! The winner will be randomly chosen July 3rd at 7pm MST. Read below for how to earn entries. First of all "Like" Busy Being Balanced on facebook!

1 entry for each person you refer. They MUST "like" the Busy Being Balanced Facebook Page AND post on the wall saying that you referred them.

Extra ways to earn more entries:
1 extra entry for following this blog with your email. Please leave a comment on here or message on FB stating you did so along with your first and last name.

1 extra entry for following me on Instagram. Please leave a comment on here or send a message on FB stating you did so along with your IG name. My IG name is natalietaren

3 extra entries for posting a Flex Friday picture on the Busy Being Balanced Facebook Page wall on Friday, June 28th. Flex whatever body part you want and get creative! Haha I love Flex Friday 

Also, Focus T25 and the NEW flavor of Shakeology, vanilla (I'm seriously SO excited for both of these), are out now! Focus T25 looks like its going to be an awesome program for those of all fitness levels. It's 25 minutes 5 days a week. EVERYONE has time for that. It was created by Shaun T, who created Insanity, the workout we all know and LOVE! There is a challenge group on Facebook for this program starting July 15th that already has 29 participants! Challenge Groups are private on FB and is like doing a program with a whole group! You get tons of support and I will be doing it right there along with you! The program is available for purchase by itself or as a challenge pack where you get the program, your first month of Shakeology, first month of club membership, AND me as your coach! Challenge Packs give you the best bang for your buck and this challenge pack is on a special discount through the end of July then the price jumps. As far as the Vanilla Shakeology goes I am anxiously waiting for mine to arrive and I will let you all know how it tastes! As always please contact me or check out my website if you have any questions!

I hope you are all having a GREAT week so far! Good luck on the giveaway!

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