I enjoyed my long weekend with my family so much! I hope you all had a great holiday :) I can't believe we are already in Phase 2 of the Ultimate Reset. It actually has gone by fast. I've already learned so much about cooking, clean eating, and have already had a physical as well as emotional transformation from this. I thought I ate clean before...HA! Not so much.
Day 4
For breakfast we had a fruit plate with yogurt sweetened with maple syrup and I topped mine with cinnamon. We both liked this breakfast! The fruit was so refreshing and it tasted so sweet. It is amazing how sweet fruit tastes when you cut out sugar that isn't natural.
Lunch was lentil-lime salad and nori rolls with tempeh and veggies. Loved this lunch! So satisfying. I love the combination of flavors in the lentil lime salad.
Dinner was stir fry veggies, quinoa, and a cucumber tomato salad. Loved all of this! The stir fry had such a great flavor due to the use of coconut oil. I have used coconut oil in the past but never thought about using it for a stir fry and I will never go back. Coconut oil is the way to go.
We both were very hungry between breakfast and lunch today. I think it is because breakfast was mostly fruit, however I am not positive.
Day 5
Breakfast was farina with apples and walnuts sweetened with maple syrup. Boy oh boy was that delicious. Dan said it reminded him of cream of wheat which he used to love and eat a lot as a child. The green apples gave it such a nice sweetness.
Lunch was quinoa salad, veggies, and hummus. I love the quinoa salad so much! The dressing has a great flavor. I love hummus as well and was excited to see it on the menu.
Dinner was stir fry veggies again but this time it was paired with brown rice and a serving of miso soup.
Today I felt more full than usual, same with Dan.
Day 6
Breakfast was farina with apples again but this time I topped it with pine nuts because I ran out of walnuts. Tempeh was actually on the menu for breakfast today but we decided to switch it up for something we really liked! Which is ok on the reset. You can swap out a breakfast for a breakfast, lunch for a lunch, dinner for a dinner, as long as they are in the same phase.
For lunch we did the quinoa salad, veggies, and hummus again. The day 6 menu called for the quinoa salad and micro green salad but we needed more of the hummus so we switched it up.
Dinner was roasted root medley and zucchini cashew soup. Neither of us were crazy about this dinner. Dan does not like beets so needless to say that was why he was not crazy about it. The soup tasted like it needed something else. I didn't think the dinner was horrible, its just not something I would have again.
Day 7
Breakfast was oatmeal with apples and flax seeds with yogurt sweetened with maple syrup. Great breakfast!
For lunch we switched it up and had the nori rolls and lentil lime salad again. The zucchini cashew soup was on the menu today and since we were both not crazy about it we chose something else.
Dinner was the southwestern veggie tacos! My favorite recipe from the reset so far. We both LOVE mexican food so anything with those spices we love. Dinner was supposed to be tempeh, broccoli, and brown rice but we wanted to switch it up for something we both liked instead.
We love that we are able to swap out meals, not everyone has the same likes and dislikes and its nice that Beachbody took that into consideration when creating the reset. Being our last day in this phase we wanted to enjoy our favorite recipes from the first phase.
Day 8
Breakfast was a fruit plate--look at those gorgeous colors! PS the peaches were freshly picked from my future mother in law's tree. They are amazing!
Lunch was a micro green salad with the addition of avocado. YUM! We both love avocado. I was a little sad that Dan got extra avocado on his because he is a man :(
Dinner was pinto beans and rice, zucchini, and green beans. Great dinner! The lemon juice on the green beans was divine and the seasoning in the pinto beans and rice had great flavor.
Days 4, 5, 6, and 7 we felt great! We both had more energy and felt more focused. No headaches at all. On day 8 I started experiencing some muscle soreness, headache, and chills. All of which are normal for the reset. I just tried to stay warm (which is easy in AZ in the summer, just go outside!) and I took a hot epsom salt bath at night which made me feel a lot better. I'm thinking a massage should be in my future! It would feel great and my body needs it.
Emotionally we both feel good and haven't experienced feeling down at all. I feel like the reset is actually strengthening our relationship because we are going through this journey together as a team! Yesterday, on day 8, I had mentioned to Dan that I just wanted to eat a Cliff Bar soooooo bad. He responded with "Babe, on day 22 there will still be Cliff Bars." Which was exactly what I needed to hear! I've gotten questions asking how can you do that cleanse for 21 days!? Well, all those things you think you cannot live without will still be there when its over. Plus, who knows if those will still be appetizing when you are done. The Ultimate Reset does amazing things for your body, inside and out. Trust me, I think about cheese, coffee, cookies, etc. After all, I am human!
Phew! That was a long post!
I hope you all are having a great Tuesday!
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