Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ultimate Reset Day 1

I was too tired to write this all last night! And it will probably be this way for the duration of the Ultimate Reset because I love my sleep, time with Lee before he goes to bed, and my alone time with Dan after Lee goes to bed!

Let me go back to the weekend before I talk about day 1 because there is a lot of prep with this detox! I got most of the items at Sprouts and some of the items at Trader Joe's. Love both of those stores! It was a LOT of stuff, especially since I was buying for 2 since Dan is doing it with me. On Sunday I prepped some of the items before hand like brown rice, quinoa, toasted pumpkin seeds, and miso soup. Since I work full time I felt this was essential! 

So now to Day 1...

The Food:

The day started off good! It was different than I was used to. Normally I wake up super early and work out but instead I got up early and cooked our breakfast for us which was whole wheat organic toast, 2 eggs, and steamed kale (Dan opted for the steamed spinach instead!) We both liked this meal! It was a bit more than I was used to eating in the morning because I normally have something lighter like Shakeology or overnight oatmeal. 

The second meal, lunch, was a microgreen salad which is basically a big salad with a bunch of veggies and a serving of miso soup. The microgreen salad was so good, just really big! Both of us said our mouths got tired from all the chewing because of all the yummy veggies. The miso soup was so so, I didn't love it or hate it, just kind of eh about it.Lunch, like breakfast, was very filling.

Then there was dinner which I was so excited for. Salmon, baby red potatoes, and asparagus. LOVED it! Again, it was very filling.

Dan drank over a gallon of water and I drank just under a gallon.

The supplements were fine and the alkalinze supplement that you mix in with water was not as bad as people have said it is! At least not in my opinion. Don't get me wrong it didn't taste amazing but you just get it down and over with and move on with your day.


Both Dan and I are BIG caffeine consumers! I always have my coffee every single day and I cannot remember the last time I didn't have my coffee. Dan is the same way...he likes his coffee, diet sodas, and energy drinks. Needless to say we both had the caffeine withdrawal headache going on. We think some of this might be due to sugar as well. I for one do not go one day without a sweet!

Another struggle I had was I got quite hungry between breakfast and lunch. I believe this is just due to my body being used to eating a snack in between those meals and I'm sure it will subside. In fact as I'm writing this now I haven't felt the hungry feeling and its Day 2 so that's a good sign.

We both did love all the food and thought it was a substantial amount. Normally when you think cleanse/detox you think limited calories...like an unhealthy low amount of calories but this was so not the case other wise I would not have done this.

I did have my cranky pants on and I think it was due to the headache...

We are excited for this challenge and the good things we are doing for our body!!

So that was day 1!

Have a great Tuesday!


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