Happy Tuesday!
Today I wanted to talk about comparing yourself to others. A lot of times we compare ourselves to others and get this sort of less than/better than attitude. No one is better than anyone else! You might think she has better legs than you but that's what is in your head! You might be upset because they are getting "better" or "faster" results than you. You might be upset that after losing 70lbs you have loose skin on your tummy but the woman who had multiple babies got away without as much as a stretch mark. Everyone perceives themselves and others differently. We truly are toughest on ourselves. We have to stop comparing ourselves to others! We are ALL beautiful and unique. We all have amazing qualities. When you are doing an exercise program focus on yourself and compete with yourself! If you are focusing on looking like someone else you are probably missing out on the amazing progress YOUR body is making. You are not them and your body may never look like their body. God made our bodies different and that is what makes us beautiful. We all have imperfections and insecurities. I have loose skin on my tummy from having a baby and while it used to bother me it doesn't anymore. If this is the way God made me then I love myself! I have a son and some women never get to be blessed with a child and I bet they would gladly take loose skin if it meant they could carry a child. In yoga they say to only focus on yourself in the mirror and what you are doing, no one else matters. There is no perfect pose. I LOVE that. Perfection is unattainable. We all just need to try to be the best that WE can be. Take pride in your accomplishments and your progress. Focus on the positives, not the negatives. Maybe you may not be able to run 6 miles like a friend of yours on Facebook but you might be able to run 1 mile when 6 months ago you could barely run for 30 seconds. And that is something to be proud of. So the next time you are working out try to focus on what you are doing for YOUR body, not someone else's.
You are all BEAUTIFUL!
We are off to California tomorrow and we are SO excited! I hope you all have a great week and weekend!
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