Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wedding succulents and killer ab workout!

I am getting married in the spring next year to the most amazing man! Seriously. I am having SO much fun planning my wedding with the help of my amazing wedding planner Meghan. I think she is just as enthusiastic about finding stuff for the wedding as I am. Love her!!  Her and her partner Erin style amazing events and I am so thrilled to see what our wedding turns out like.  Their company name is Eventology Events and check out some of their work here, here, and here that has been featured over at Style Me Pretty

One of mine (and Meghan's) obsessions right now when looking at stuff for my wedding is succulents! They are so hot right now and I do not care if they are trendy! I love them anyway. I just cannot get over how gorgeous they are.

Photo credit: left (could not find original image!), upper right, and lower right.

There will be many more wedding posts to come! There are so many beautiful things out there that I am lusting over and it isn't possible for me to have every one of them at my wedding. I won't post specifically what we will have FOR SURE. Just things I think are beautiful!

Another thing I wanted to share is my go to ab workout right now. I didn't do any core work at all last week because I was feeling like I needed to take it easy.  I got back to it on Monday and boy oh boy was my core sore on Tuesday! 

Found on Pinterest of course!

I hope you all are having a fantastic week!


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