Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ultimate Reset Day 10

Day 10! Almost halfway through! It has seriously gone quicker than I thought it would.

Ohhhhh and believe me, we are!!


Breakfast was fruit! I was loving the papaya. Love!

Lunch was a greek salad with miso soup. Mmm pine nuts. Love!

Dinner was quinoa lentil pilaf with a side of broccoli. The quinoa lentil pilaf was ok. I should have left out the turmeric because I don't particularly like that spice but I wanted to give it a whirl. Dan liked it though!

Oh and the picture on the bottom left is Lee's dinner. He sees me take pictures of my plate before I devour it every night and he looked at me and said "Mama take a picture of my food too!" He had whole wheat pasta with broccoli, olive oil, garlic, himalayan salt, and pepper. 

We both felt awesome today! My energy is surprisingly high. I always thought I had to have coffee for energy. We both also felt more focused as well. I thought I would have lots of cravings by now but I don't at all. Certain foods pop into my mind but then the thought vanishes. Not much else to say--it was a good day! Thanks Ultimate Reset and Beachbody!

One more day til the weekend!!


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