Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ultimate Reset Day 9

Day 9!! This week has been flying by, probably because Monday was a holiday!

 I thought this was funny!


Breakfast was fruit (which will be fruit for the remainder of the reset!) You do have the option in Phase 2 of mashed chickpeas and nori gamasio but we like fruit better.

Lunch was pinto beans and rice with a microgreen salad. We both loved this lunch! Again I was jealous Dan got a bigger portion of the pinto beans and rice because he is a man :)

Dinner was garlic veggies, a baked sweet potato, and miso soup. So yummy! Dan doesn't love sweet potatoes like I do, I practically licked the plate. I didn't finish my miso soup because I was so full from the veggies and sweet potato. 

Also, on a side note there is a new supplement that is added in this phase called detox. It's a supplement you mix with water and drink. A lot of people complained about it...I think it isn't that bad at all! Kind of like a lemon-y sweet iced tea sort of taste. 

How we felt:

Dan feels great--no problems at all. We both still have our energy which I am loving so much! In the morning  I still felt like I still had those flu like symptoms from day 8 but I just pushed through it. By the afternoon I was feeling good again. I still felt a little chilly at times but nothing unbearable. 

I hope you all are having a great Wednesday! The weekend will be here soon!


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